I just got my first orchid as a gift from my mother in law .. i had placed it at first next to the balcony and the other day when i was going out to the balcony with my cousin i broke the stem by mistake .. it didnt completely break or fall off, only partially break .. so i placed it back up again and clipped it to the stick that comes with it with a small hair clip..
today i woke up and found that each flower has one petal that curled in.
im afraid i ruined the orchid or killed it..
anyone here gone through the same and can send an advise on what to do?
Welcome Moe.
Your plant is not only the flowers and it won't die just because the flower spike is broken. If the blooms will live or not it's really hard (or impossible) to say. Just wait and see.
As I said before, the plant won't die because of it. Take good care of it and it will bloom again.