My Phalaenopsis KS Super Zebra Pylo just opened and today is its first day fully opened. Its now 11:00 am, but a cloudy day.
I thought this orchid would be more fragrant
I am wondering what your experience is with it?
What time of day does this one tend to be most fragrant?
Do you need a sunny day to activate it?
Does this tend to be a strong scent or just faint one?
I love the visual stimulation but would like some olfactory stimulation too!!
You'll most likely get fragrance when temps rise and maybe just in the AM. I don't have this one but that's been the case for me with similar phals. Beautiful bloom...from Big Leaf?
Wise men speak because they have something to say. Fools because they have to say something. Plato
Yes , from big leaf and it came in looking lovely and in spike!
I also bought a Rlc Village Chief Rose KS King Cattleya which also was a nice specimen but not in spike...not sure if this one is a year away from blooming...but it should be gorgeous and fragrant!
A lot of fragrant Phals are most fragrant when it's warm, humid and the light is bright. Mine get a little direct sun in the morning when the sun is low, and they're most fragrant then. But as yours ages it will likely become more fragrant.
__________________ May the bridges I've burned light my way.
I have a KS Super Zebra ‘Yuphon’. I grow it in a warm room but humidity tends to be low. Mine is fragrant mid-morning but I have to sniff the flower to smell it. With my fragrant Phalaenopsis, the flowers usually have to be fully open 24-48 hours before I start noticing a scent. Fragrance is most intense right after a watering.
This phal has beautiful flowers but the scent is unremarkable. It has a spicy scent similar to Phal ambonensis. I have 3 flowers open now and its been several days. The scent is not intense like Phal bellina or violacea and it barely wafts. I would not recommend this one if scent is an important criterion