Phal leaves purple, maybe turning yellow?
Hello, so I recently changed my orchid's placement since I'm really forgetful and putting her next to me has helped remind me to take care of her. She seems to have been doing better since I've put her in my room, but lately I noticed some colour changes in the leaves, notably in the centre where it looks light green and purple, and the bottom of the bottom leaf is very much purple. Her leaves look nice and dark green with no yellowing on the edges. I don't know if this is a cause for concern with the centre of her leaves to be changing colour or not.
The newest leaf, which I took a pic of the underside of, seems to be thinner than the others and hasn't really gotten thicker for a while. When I first got her, she had magenta flowers, but she hasn't really sprouted another spike since her last flowers died off.
She sits at a north-facing window, but my dad said that the windows block out most UV rays. I figured that it would be fine since it's currently winter and there's not really much sun. Her leaves don't feel hot in the afternoon either, so I don't really know if it's sunburn or not.
Don't mind the string by they way, she usually hangs around in her pot most of the time.