Hi all! I am an inexperienced orchid keeper. All I have now is a Pleurothallis mathildae in a little terrarium, which I've had for about 8 years, and this new orchid. I've killed a phal and oncidium in the long ago past.
I bought this Miltoniopsis two weeks ago from a clearance table at a garden center. I wanted something other than a Phal. In the orchid section they had phals and lady slippers (paphs), which I'm not a huge fan of. So I was ready to leave empty handed. But then I stumbled onto the clearance orchid table which had Miltonias and Miltoniopsis. I'd never heard of them. This plant looked healthier than the others so I quickly googled it's light, water, and temp requirements and said "I can do that". After getting it home I kept researching and learned that they have a bad reputation. So we'll see how it goes, but I'm going to give it my best!
Anyway, the orchid looks like it may have some issues, but doesn't look horrible. It had three flower spikes, one is very close to opening, one should be along shortly thereafter. The third had one dead bud and one live one that has since started to die, so I cut that spike off today.
The leaves have some discolorations. Some have brown speckling. A few have this blotchy stain looking discoloration. Not sure if it's anything. There is one leaf with a single pleat, and one leaf that has flopped in half, so not to terrible in that respect. I can't see the pseudobulb very much at all (and I've only got one) because it's hidden by the leaves, but what I can see is somewhat wrinkled. It does appear to be starting a new leaf at the base.
It's potted in very coarse bark and large perlite which is not ideal for Miltoniopsis, or so I've read. There is some green moss on top. There are some visible roots on top that I think are alive, at least some are (the ones in the moss definitely look alive). No idea what's happening below. The potting medium has this pleasant sweet smell to it. I thought it was the buds at first, but it's definitely the bark. Not sure what that could indicate.
It's definitely got bugs in the bark. I don't know my bugs...but they need to go. There were some fast clear or pale looking ones (I think with wings) and this light gray tiny worm thing.
Here is my dilemma/question. I feel like I should repot it. I don't know if it's got rotten roots, I don't know what the condition of the potting medium is, and it's full of critters. BUT I'm holding back for two reasons. One, it's going to flower and I don't really want to risk killing the buds. Two is that the research I've done emphasizes the importance of repot timing. Miltoniopsis should be repotted in the fall. Repotting at the wrong time, they say, could kill the plant. So I'm leaning towards holding off on the repot, even though it means waiting 7-8 months. But I'd love to hear anyone else's opinions on that.
So I'm not sure what the best plan is. I definitely want to address the bugs right away. Any thoughts on the best products for that? I've included pictures, do you think the discoloration on the leaves is anything to worry about, or do you see anything else I should be addressing? I'd really love to get it into good shape, but I definitely need some advice from more experienced folks. Thanks!