02-21-2021, 10:30 PM
Join Date: Feb 2019
Location: PNW
Posts: 76
Originally Posted by hypostatic
This was interesting. I wish we could have known who chose, handled, planted the seeds - out of same seed lot hopefully - and if each participant planted their own seeds and tended onwards.
It would also be interesting to see an all male experiment of planters/tenders/music/no music/positive talk etc versus female.
I would also like to know about the exact specifics of placement of the greenhouses, angle to sun etc and which houses were more on the Northern edges etc. I wasn't impressed with those peas but whatever.
I'm of the mind that talking to plants 'helps'; at least it allows me to baby talk. Though plants don't have 'ears' (or
do they) I have a fountain come on periodically throughout the day and like that it adds a touch of moisture to the air. I'm sure they sense water/moisture.
Hopefully someone out there will do a carefully controlled experiment to put this theory to rest once and for all. If there is such a thing as a plant feeling vibration and registering it (they must on some level) then heavy metal would be understandable. Perhaps I'll start looping some deep house tracks several nights a week and see what that does.
I always feel my orchids get the better part of the bargain here - after all, I'm the one doing their bidding.
Am sure we've all known that person with the 'brown thumb' and the other who can do no wrong and plants just seem to thrive under their care/neglect. It wouldn't surprise me at all if orchids have their own complex way of communicating with each other, I don't think we've got the scientific means and correct sensitive instruments to truly figure that out yet.