I hope this is the right forum to post in?
Anyway, my most vigorous orchid has been my Sharry Baby Onc.
It is just past flowering having given me two nice spikes and great fragrance.
But I believe it has just about grown out of the pot and the new growth as you can see in the pictures is on the tight side up against the rim of the pot. Its so huge now I have trouble where to put it in my limited space. I wish to make two out of one!
So first question is it ok and safe to divide now?
There is about 8 plump full (pseudo?) bulbs very tightly packed.
Second question, how do I approach it? Sterilize my tools of course, put cinnamon on the cut areas? Once out of the pot will it be easy to see where to separate them? I've read about a rhizome? Is that where I cut it?
Any and all help appreciated...thanks!