Repotting, light, location problems?
Backstory- I received 5 orchids June 2019 from a deli owner who was going to toss them after they flowered. I took all 5, in moss, cut 3 of the spikes to the leaves and the other 2 were cut just above the last flower. All 5 were soaked/submerged for 5 minutes once a week and we’re in a south/east facing window on the 3rd floor of an NYC building. Immediately, three of them began to grow new spikes and two of them tried to flower (created 2 buds that never opened). I sterility cut all spikes in May 2020. In the following year, all 5 were watered as above. No new leaves developed.
In November 2020, I took them all home. First I placed them in a well lit room but not in direct sun. On Dec 27, I repotted them into Better-Gro orchid potting mix being careful to remove any dead roots. I placed them in a southern facing window and watered them with 2 ice cubes, once a week. They are in a window sill on the 5th floor just above the radiator. I do spray them periodically with water mist.
Anyways, some of them look pretty bad and the air roots are dry. I’m trying to find the best way to help them flourish. Three of them are making new leaves but the older leaves are all shriveled. A few have try tips and a few leaves have turned black around the edges.
Below are pictures of what the 4 I’m concerned about look like now.
Any help is appreciated