Originally Posted by Bunny9129
Hi. Can everyone take a look at my phal? A lot of the roots suddenly rot (i realized i might have water too much or my new place has very moist air). Then it started to be yellow at the base (picture) and the aerial roots are too long to be inside of the pot so it does not take water and I can see some of the leaves start to have crinkles. What should i do now? I cannot try to put the aerial roots inside the medium cause it will snap.
You are correct, those aerial roots need to stay where they are. However, you can keep them watered with a spray bottle... spray until they turn green. When they turn white again, you can spray them again - since they are in the air, they dry fast, and so you don't have to be concerned with overwatering. As SP pointed out, if you have new, large bark in the pot, it will tend to shed water. Also, it will dry out fast. Again, that solves the overwatering problem... as long as it has a chance to dry out, you can't overwater. Water when it is dry, not by the calendar.