Phalaenopsis Orchid-floppy leaves and dried roots
Hi may I please have some help with my phalaenopsis orchid? I am new to this. The one pictured is one I received for my birthday from my sister this year at the beginning of September. It was in bloom and remained in bloom for about a month or two. I let the spike remain until it turned brown and then I cut it off.
I researched orchids as I cared for it.
I tried spritzing it with water daily and then later I learned that you're not supposed to get the leaves or crown or flowers wet. I tried dribbling 1/4 cup of water onto the roots once a week. I believe I underwatered it in the early days, because I was scared to over water it.
Later I learned that you are supposed to only water the roots. So I placed the whole container in a larger container and filled it up. I let it sit for a few minutes then I drained all of the water out. Then I fertilized it with a 1/4 of the strength of what the orchid food said to administer from a gallon of water. I poured that through and drained it all out without letting it sit. I watered it first then fertilized it because everything I read online said that you could burn the roots if you fertilized it before watering it. I have done that once a week over the past two weeks.
Then I learned that you should water the orchid as needed. This one dries out frequently based on the silvery white roots and yet at the same time some of the roots have turned brown as though they did not like being drenched.
As you can see from the picture the leaves are beginning to get a bit floppy. I repotted it November 1, 2020. It is in an orchid bark medium. Help! I want my orchid to flourish.