Dendrobium growth broke off!  How to fix?
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Old 11-22-2020, 10:00 PM
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Try using fishmom's advice to root it. Otherwise, just watch the new growths on the plant. As Orchidtinkerer says... it may just put out a new growth fairly quickly. Regardless, say Oh Heck and move forward!
Caveat: Everything suggested is based on my environment and culture. Please adjust accordingly.
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Old 11-22-2020, 10:02 PM
Orchidtinkerer Orchidtinkerer is offline

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Dendrobium growth broke off!  How to fix?

dianne, I recently found the stuff for 15 euros here but it shouldn't be treated like it can perform magic so I have not been in a rush to get any just yet..
I use superthrive and perlite. Maybe next year I will spend the 15 euros and get some kelpmax and see how good it is. I doubt it could save such a growth but I will get some next year.
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Old 11-22-2020, 10:08 PM
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You already have the Kelpmax. Use it. I do. Nothing is magical, but I like it. Better than SuperThrive... no offense Orchid T...
Caveat: Everything suggested is based on my environment and culture. Please adjust accordingly.
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Old 11-22-2020, 11:15 PM
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Dendrobium growth broke off!  How to fix? Female

The odds of the broken top rooting are really small. Can't hurt to try but don't be disappointed if it doesn't work. As others have noted, the plant is likely to compensate by doing a new growth. "Grafting" won't work, for sure.. once it's off it's off. (That's why I so often advise people to not be in a rush to cut things... if you cut something that looks dead that turns out not to be, can't stick it back on.)

I used to use Superthrive, no more... over time I started having Catts bloom with mutated flowers (segments not separating properly) When I stopped using it the problem went away and hasn't come back since. (I did find a few mentions when I researched it, that the stuff can cause mutations. It definitely did for some of my plants.)
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Old 11-23-2020, 04:44 PM
Orchidtinkerer Orchidtinkerer is offline

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Dendrobium growth broke off!  How to fix?

Originally Posted by Roberta View Post
I used to use Superthrive, no more... over time I started having Catts bloom with mutated flowers (segments not separating properly) When I stopped using it the problem went away and hasn't come back since. (I did find a few mentions when I researched it, that the stuff can cause mutations. It definitely did for some of my plants.)
It warns about this on the packaging Roberta. You used far too much by the sounds of it. For comparison Kelpmax is 40ml per 10l and Supertrive is 3 drops. It can also only be used in vegetation, not in flowering. I want to believe Kelpmax is better but people just claiming things without evidence doesn't convince me.

I have seen some impressive pictures of people using kelpmax but I can achieve results like the ones I've seen without using it too so you never know if it's genetics, plant care or the additives. Does it make orchids flower more? Why does nobody outside America use it? And it is not availability as it is more available in Europe than in America which is why Ray imports the stuff to sell over there. I have heard nothing but good stuff about it but why have I not seen a single side by side comparison of anybody showing a 1 year trial of 2 identical orchids - 1 with kelpmax, 1 without unless someone has?
The best growers I know don't use the stuff so I would need some serious convincing. So far the most convincing fact is that it contains garlic and I love garlic.
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Old 11-23-2020, 05:26 PM
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I think the reason KelpMax is mentioned so often on this board is mainly because a lot of folks use it who post here. People tend to recommend root stimulants the same way they recommend fertilizer... what the individual actually uses.

Would it grow bigger better blooms? I haven't a clue. I've never done any side by side tests of a group of the same plants. Not into that sort of testing thing. I use it occasionally, and just to stimulate root growth if something's having or going to have an issue.

I've used KelpMax for maybe two or three years. Before that, I used nothing for root stimulation. Since I grow exclusively in semi-hydro nowadays, other than mounts, I thought it might be helpful in establishing new root growth, as many orchids lose most of their old roots when transitioning... especially older, bigger ones. I started out using KelpMax on some and some other seaweed based formula on others. To my eye, the KelpMax promoted better, faster root growth, so I moved solely to it.

I looked at SuperThrive, but wasn't crazy about the synthetic vs organic elements. A lot of folks who grow cannabis consider it a real no-no, but then again that's a consumption thing. And the idea of over-treating when we're talking drops so as not to promote mutation, which I'd read in several articles... it just wasn't for me.

I think it's fine for someone to mention using KelpMax... it doesn't mean you have to, or that you have to use it. You can always just recommend something you use instead when someone is asking the question.

There's a ton of root stimulators out there, as there are fertilizers. As I said, I think it just boils down recommendation-wise to what the individual uses that works for them, regardless of a root stimulator, fertilizer, probiotic, etc.

---------- Post added at 03:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:22 PM ----------

PS I know some darned good growers who use KelpMax, and some darned good growers who use something else. One of the best growers and hybridizers I know well personally uses Grow More for Orchids. I tried it... I didn't like it. Maybe he gets it cheap since he sells it... don't know.
Caveat: Everything suggested is based on my environment and culture. Please adjust accordingly.
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Old 11-23-2020, 06:23 PM
Orchidtinkerer Orchidtinkerer is offline

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Dendrobium growth broke off!  How to fix?

thx WW,
after a bit more research I am still undecided but I have ordered some.
I will perform my test on some Sedirea Japonica seedlings.
Apparently it can boost a plants resistance to cold which is worth a lot at mine as the cold creeps in every year
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Old 11-23-2020, 06:34 PM
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Dendrobium growth broke off!  How to fix? Female

I was using only about 2 drops Superthrive per gallon about once a month, but I guess it built up over time. At any rate, not something I need to use. One other "supplement" that I heard about from a number of sources, that I do use, is about 1/2 teaspoon per gallon of the cheapest vodka that I can find. I don't know if it really does any good... the plants are growing well but I haven't done a controlled experiment to see if they'd grow just as well without it, would take a year or two, too many other variables anyway) . It's just soluble carbs... green plants shouldn't need carbs, they make their own. But maybe they enjoy this little extra aperitif, doesn't seem to hurt anything. (There was a fertilizer mix on the market years ago that was about 30% methanol, it was supposed to be especially useful for high light plants... Jerry's Grow. I think that Jerry Rodder is still using it personally but not making it to sell, have seen some of his enormous plants in other people's talks so probably has its place, but not available so I don't stress about it.)
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Old 11-23-2020, 07:27 PM
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I’ve seen the vodka thing mentioned. Was gonna try it, but never any left... cheap... ummm no thanks!

OT... boost for cold? Do tell. I’m growing in new space and kinda worried.
Caveat: Everything suggested is based on my environment and culture. Please adjust accordingly.
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Old 11-23-2020, 07:40 PM
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Dendrobium growth broke off!  How to fix? Female

I don't think the vodka will help much with cold, it might, by providing extra carbs, help with the lower light level. I recall getting a big bottle of the cheap stuff at Trader Joe's, the cashier asked "How do you drink it?" so I guess it was pretty awful. He had a good laugh when I told him that I had no intention of drinking the stuff, it was for my orchids.

For cold, the best preventive is to control watering... a dry orchid will put up with much more than a wet one. But since you're using S/H, don't know how to tweak that, Ray would be a much better resource. Also, consider a temperature alarm on a remote thermometer - if the heat fails in the middle of the night at least you can be alerted. And a portable gas heater... This is what I keep around as backup - you can get about 4 hours on low from a 1 lb propane cylinder, or get the adapter hose to use it with a 20 lb tank that is good for about 90 hours on low or 45 hours on high.
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