Still getting worse :(
Hi again! I’m sorry to say while my paph has bloomed for the first time, which I’m awed by, her leaf has gotten considerably worse. I followed a lot of the advice I got here but to no avail.
Here’s what I’ve tried:
- I started by watering twice as often, every 3-4 days. I stopped fertilizing entirely.
- Next I tried moving her to a different location in the house, since I was worried she was getting dried out by a nearby radiator.
- I tried cutting off the rotted-looking tip of the leaf. I put a little hand sanitizer on the cut edge as it was the closest thing I had to rubbing alcohol. She really did not seem to like this, so lesson learned I guess.
Throughout this her condition kept getting worse very slowly. But over the last two weeks the rot crept way up on the leaf.
- A few days ago I finally tried repotting her, which I was nervous to do. She had mostly sturdy healthy looking roots, though I cut out two or three small segments that were very soft or even hollow. I also noticed tiny black bugs, possibly tiny flies, in the medium. So I sprayed some neem oil around on the roots and foliage. I replaced the potting medium and put her back in the same pot.
- Since finding the flies, I’ve watered her and my other orchid by soaking, since I hear that can kill their larva.
Now I’m waiting to see if any of these things will finally help, but I’m pretty worried about her.