Emerging primary Phalaenopsis spike curling
Hello friends!
My name is Natalie. I am new here and this is my first post! I am a plant enthusiast and particularly love orchids. I like growing, nurturing, re-blooming, rescuing and witnessing the seasonal cycles of my ‘easier to grow’ Phalaenopsis collection x12-14. I get just as excited about new healthy roots and leaves as I do spikes and blooms. Per my profile you will see I have interest in learning and experiencing growing other types of orchids and open to logical ‘next steps’ for someone like me.
I am reaching out today b/c I have a phal. with an emerging, primary spike curling (see photo). The plant is appears healthy (as evidenced by new healthy roots, firm leaves, receiving light, water, food consistent with others in collection—all w/ 1-2 spikes currently). This phal has been under my care for 1.5 yrs. There is also a secondary spike emerging. I am curious of others have experienced this and of this is cause for concern and if so how may I be proactive? Grateful for any feedback!