@jcec1, I didn't put mine outside this time because I did that with my previous den and it got destroyed by slugs - munched so badly that I lost it.
This year, I've taken advice from a UK orchid nursery, and it seems to have worked! I've given mine as much light as possible indoors (it's taken a bit of juggling with position as I didn't want it to get sunburned) and fed weekly - I used Orchid Focus Grow from March-May and then the Bloom Formula from late May, tailing off toward early September. For the past 6 weeks or so, it's just had an occasional mist when the canes have started to shrink.
It's in an unheated, south/west facing room, so it is quite warm during the day but the temperature does drop right down at night.
Great advice thanks, I'm going to put mine in an unheated room this weekend. I couldn't leave mine outside, the slugs and snails here are everywhere.
Ive had signs of slugs moving around on a timber retaining wall which is behind my shelving so I put table salt round the legs of the shelving. The slugs wont cross that!
I cleaned the wall of their trails and have been going out each night to check for them. So far my count is 7 slugs and two were massive , could have demolished a complete plant overnight I reckon.
Hi everyone, thank you so much for the advice. The spikes got longer and longer and I was sure they were going to turn into keikis, but you were right, they DID flower. Here she is! I know the blooming is a bit patchy, but I'm really pleased for a first time rebloom - I hope to do better next year.