Originally Posted by Mr Cattleya
Thanks SouthPark ...... You lost me at Concave and Convex. I would not know where to start 
MC ----- it's a term related to lens ..... and mirrors.
If you look at some lens or mirrors from one side of the lens ...... and if the appearance is that the lens is curved pushed-inward away from you ..... then that's conCAVE.
And if the curvature comes out (pops out) toward you, then that's convex.
So for your upper sepal ----- it is at the moment convex ...... curved outward. Sometimes, you can use your finger to pop the upper sepal so that it flips to inward curvature (convex). That's if we want to.
Here's an example - I had to search for it.
Before undivine intervention (convex)
After undivine intervention (concave)