Are these phals looking like they are doing okay?
I have tried this three or four times and am getting frustrated so I hope this works! I have attached pictures. The first is a mini phal I’ve had since June I think. The second is either a mini or a large, I’m not sure but I’m thinking it is a large. I’ve had it for about a year and a half. It lost all its roots this spring due to root rot because when I got it I didn’t know to repot it right away. It now has little short roots. I’m wondering how long it will take it to grow long roots again? The third is one I got from Walmart last July and it was in bloom then and is still in bloom with beautiful purple ish pink blooms. All three I’ve been watering every day, all three are repotted in repotme orchid mix. All three look like they have wrinkles or lines on their leafs. Do they look okay to you? Thanks for any help you offer!