My Phalaenopsis looks dead with only a few shriveled up roots, can it be saved?
I've had my plant now for four years. I've never had to do much to care for my plant, until a few months ago, a friend replanted my phalaenopsis in bark material. Now I'm so confused. Now the plant has lost most of it's leaves and the roots have died as well. I watered the plant yesterday because I noticed the air roots were shriveled up.
Today the roots look unhealthy and like it's dying.
Can someone tell me if this plant salvageable?
It looks as though you haven't been watering enough. The portions of leaf I see have wrinkles, which means not enough water. Phals like moist roots with lots of air at the roots. If the medium is loose, like medium to large bark, you might be able to water every day or two.
__________________ May the bridges I've burned light my way.
Probably not. I don't know what it was planted in before the repot but I am guessing it was probably regular soil. Orchids need regular care- hint-several times a week watering, etc. I refer you to Ray's post regarding orchids.
Gina ----- if there's any chance at all, and since the roots look like they didn't make it, then this orchid will probably require the Sphag and Bag method. A see-through bag with the plant inside it ----- not completely sealed, and the plant not touching anything wet inside the bag ....... and add a damp sponge or two into the bag --- with orchid not touching the sponge. And don't completely seal the bag ----- in order to have some air exchange. The idea is to keep some humidity up, so that the orchid won't dry out due to no roots for getting water into the plant.
Last edited by SouthPark; 10-02-2020 at 01:00 AM..
Thank you so much everyone for giving me feedback about it. it sounded like a lot of work to try to rescue it. I decided to let it go and I just bought a brand new phalaenopsis. So I'm starting fresh again!!
All the best with your new phalaenopsis! Attempting to save the old one probably would have been good practice for practising the sphag N bag. And also - if an orchid does have some chance to make it, then it's ok to give it every chance to make it - eg. sphag N bag.
In any case ------ looking forward to everything good for this new one!