At what temperature do you normally bring in your orchids?
I seem to fret about this every year, and I can't even remember what I end up doing, but it always feels like I have to bring my plants in far too early. Starting tonight, the lows will be in the 50s for the rest of the week. I always think of September as being pretty warm in Philadelphia, so it's a shock that I have to fire up the lights and bring everything in already. What a pain! I was hoping I could eke it out for another couple of weeks. I also had a plan to put my paphs outside starting in September but totally forgot until right now. They never bloom and I wonder if giving them a colder couple of weeks would help. I attached a screenshot of what I'm facing for the 10-day. Do you think those are OK temps for paphs?
I know some people have cold growers, but putting those aside, when do you give up on growing outdoors and bring the plants in?