I had purchased a group of chids from a grower recently, and upon getting them home, I noticed one of them had severe ring spots on the leaves. (Phrag Pearcei). It was in a box with other orchuds, not individually wrapped. The pearcei had leaf contact, and a few of its leaves were either kinked or broken in transport. Do I need to be concerned about the other plants in the box contracting a virus? What would you guys do to mitigate the risk to an existing collection? Really not wanting to throw the lot away. Currently quarantined from the rest of the collection.
You're doing the right thing with quarantine. The spots on the Phrag could be something other than virus, too. The only way to be sure of a virus diagnosis is to test. If it is virus, not that easy to transmit if the other plants don't have cuts or breaks... It's exchange of "juices" that is the biggest culprit. But you should get some virus test strips... some people test everything, I only test when I am suspicious... things like color break, failure to thrive. But to protect the whole collection, you'll go a long way just practicing good hygiene... sterilize cutting tools, etc. If you treat each plant as though it might be infected you won't be inclined to spread bad stuff. Try to not have plants drip on each other. The dripping part is actually more likely to spread fungal/bacterial problems than virus.
I was doing some reading and there are some studies saying that mosaic virus is easily transferred but milk (yes, milk) can neutralize it when applied to the outside of the plant (once the plant is infected, it is too late). Weird but I have read it a few times, now, and it might be worth a try.