Quick background:

I inherited 6 mostly unhealthy Phalaenopsis that hadn't been repotted in many years. Most in bark and sphagnum.
Repotted them in semi-hydro fashion. Drainless opaque pots, holes drilled about 1" from bottom, filled with Leca. They sit in a 5" tall bin that typically has 1/8" water.
Most have started sprouting very green succulent looking roots just below the leaves.
1) Do you believe these are regular roots or aerial roots?
2) If they hang-out over the pots should I direct them into the leca?
3) When I repotted them I removed several rotten roots. How long before I can pull them out of the pots again and examine & remove other rotting roots that I'm pretty sure exist. Don't want to over disturb them.
Thanks folks