Rossioglossum New Growth Question
I recently acquired two mature rossioglossum Rawdon Jesters; they came buried in wet media, covering the bulbs, so I immediately repotted them together (fine bark). They were not established at all and have few roots; I have had them for weeks now, and they have not lost much water - so I think they are waiting to establish.
However, if you look, there are 3 new growths, 2 largish and one small in the middle. The far left and right largish ones came with all this black scarring (totally dry and not mushy). When I peel some of it back, it is green and healthy underneath. In any case, the growths don't seem to have made much progress in the 2.5 weeks I have had them. Are they in shock? Are they too scarred at the base? Does anyone know what I should expect to happen? They don't seem to be aborting.
My bedroom is south-facing, with windows on two sides, 75F, and humidity is at 60%.
Last edited by jldriessnack; 07-18-2020 at 06:01 PM..