My daughter knocked over my poor Phal. Allllll the leaves are now split. The roots seem okay, some probably damaged. I also have three keikis on the top. Should I try to save the mother plant? Will it come back from this? Should I focus on the keikis? What to do??? Halp!
That looks like it was quite a nasty fall, but don't worry, the damage looks purely cosmetic and the plant will bouce back. It'll just be ugly for a couple of years. It doesn't seem like the crown of the leaf is affected (does the center of the plant feel wobbly/crushed?) and the keikis look alright. I'd just keep caring for it normally and it should recover fine, unless there's non obvious damage.
__________________ Camille
Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....
I agree with Camille, the leaf tears are mostly cosmetic. As long as the roots are ok, it will be fine! Have you repotted recently? What condition were the roots in to begin with? That will help to understand how much extra care the plant needs now.
The keikis don't seem to have any roots yet, so I don't think they are viable on their own yet. Focus on the mother plant and hopefully everything will recover!
I jusr repot it bc it completely came out when it was knocked over. The roots don't look the best bc I've had this orchid for years, but never really knew how to take care of it until recently. I last repot this one a couple of months ago.