Instead of a fan, buy a Butterwort (Pinguicula). I have a bunch of tropical plants that need to be kept moist and like organic fertilizer...this is a happy breeding ground for fungus gnats...except the only time I usually see them is on the leaves of this cute little plant. When they do, rarely, do have a population explosion, I simply put the Butterworts under a bright desk lamp at night and usually this quickly (in one night) solves the issue. The fungus gnats fly to the light, land on the leaves of the Butterwort and get stuck. Rarely, I need to do it a second night. The best part is...the more fungus gnats (or mosquitoes, small spiders, unlucky fruit flies....) it catches, the more it multiplies and blooms.
Before I bought this little plant ($5 at an orchid show), I had quite a few problems with Fungus gnats. My spouse and kids wanted to dump all the plants outside. The plant has been a game-changer.
I decorate in green!
Last edited by Leafmite; 09-28-2020 at 12:20 AM..