Getting my favorite Zygopetalum to grow again.
Hello all,
The Zygopetalum saga continues.
As I had mentioned before, one of my favorite plants had a rot problem and I had to remove a bulb. This left the plant with only one bulb.
Fortunately, after a very heavy dose of fungicides, the rot seems to have been vanquished* (knocking on wood).
More good news is that it has many viable roots. The bad news it does not have any visible leads on this bulb (it had one at some point but it did not last) nor can I tell where a lead would even start.
This bulb was a central back bulb. Are these plants like cattleyas and need “eyes” to grow from or will they just find a way to grow somehow?
How likely is it that it will ever start growing again? Would it be a miracle if it does so or will it start growing again if it gets perfect care. Is it now impossible because it does not have anymore “eyes” or something?
Is there something I can do to get it to grow a new lead?