Hello, I had to take a break from my orchid growing hobby quite sometime back but now I'm able to get back into it again.

When I suspected in the past that one or more of my orchids may be virused, I sent samples to Critter Creek for testing.
I've decided to test again. I found out the hard way in the past how very dangerous it is to keep virused orchids unless they are separated from plants that are not virused. Still, I think that keeping them is taking a chance. Bottom line: I lost most of my orchid collection. I don't recall exactly how many I lost, but trying to think back...I would guess a few less than 50. I had to discard many and the ones that had viruses but did perform nicely, I gave away to friends who don't mind having virused orchids in their collection.
I will no longer take that chance.....I want a clean greenhouse.Whatever the case, a person must be very diligent in disinfecting their orchid growing area. I know that I'm telling most of you things that you are well aware of, but I guess you would say that this is my rant for the day. I obviously got carried away....I'm sorry, but losing my orchids was such a tragedy, I'm pretty paranoid now. My actual question to you is if Critter Creek is still in business because I have searched and haven't located their site.....I either overlooked it or it longer exists. I also know that many of you test with Agdia strips, and I may go that route, but I don't know which test strips that I would need for my collection of various orchid types. Will someone please let me know? Thank you. I apologize for this long post. Rant over, I feel better....thanks for reading. Vicki