A question about Phalaenopsis leaf growth
Hello all, just joined here!
So I just love orchids of all types but am a novice grower. I received a mini phal about 2 months ago from my mother that had been neglected for some time, mostly dehydrated/wrinkled leaves, but had some good roots on it. So I repotted it in some bark and sphagnum moss mix in a clear ventilated pot. At the beginning of April I noticed it was starting to grow a new leaf, which was very exciting! However, that leaf grew to be VERY small with some purplish spotting on it and I just noticed a couple days ago that a newer leaf is starting to grow.
So I have a couple of questions:
1) Once a new leaf starts to grow, do the older leaves below it continue to grow as well (being that the one directly below it is so new as well), or do they stop and focus only on the newest leaf?
2) Should I be concerned about the purplish spotting on the leaf that already grew in my care?
I've added some pictures for your reference. The one from the top shows a little new leaf just starting if you look closely.
Thank you for any advice you can provide!