Neglected and unidentified, is it alive? need help
Hi all, I'm new to the forum and this is my first post too, i have no idea how to care for orchids as this is my first time caring for one and have a hit a wall as to how to go about repotting, saving, and caring for this orchid properly.
So my situation is this:
-i bought 2 orchids at a fair a little while ago, not knowing anything about orchids
-the first orchid was, unbeknownst to me, rotting from the inside out. It died/i threw it out once i saw that there was no saving it.
-the second orchid is still alive and one thing i did notice when i bought it was that it looked off/slightly dead.
-there were loose stems/branches (?im not sure of the terminology) that were not securely in the potting medium.
-I decided to try and save them, since they still seemed to be alive and have stems, and kinda haphazardly stuck them back into the medium and hoped theyd pull through.
-since then most of the stems/branches that i thought would die have, and the ones left behind seem ok but are definitely in need of some help.
So my questions are:
1.what kind of orchid is this
2.are there multiple orchids in this pot that need to be potted separately
3.does it look salvageable
4.advice on how to repot, the medium to use, and how to get it healthy again.
Im going to post some pictures of the orchid for reference.
Thanks in advance for any answers given, i want to save this plant!
EDIT: all of the branches in the pot are separate! when i put the branches back into the medium,that later died, i saw that all the others were not connected at all to each other either.
Last edited by Orchiddummy; 04-19-2020 at 12:28 AM..