I posted in early February about this plant. I sprayed with antiphos about one moth ago and am not watering as often (weekly if that). It is not autumn here in Melbourne. About one week ago the smaller leaf section stayed becoming floppy and the other section of leaves now also doesn't seem as firm. I just saw a baby cockroach exiting the bark. What should I do? What is happening? Repot differently? Can I save this plant?
This is my original post below. The first two photos are the current shots. The photos with the red circles are from the original post two months ago.
Originally Posted by Nmari
I received this miniature cymbidium orchid from someone who didn't have the time to care for it. It seemed ok but had a few scales on it. I repotted it a few weeks ago into a bark only (recommended for my region, Melbourne, Australia) and have had it in bright indirect sun since then. It tends to be a warm spot that's fairly humid as it's under a verandah. I sterilised the secateurs first with metholated spirits. I've watered it a few times a week since then, not allowing it to sit in water. It's dinner here and we've had some very very hot days. It developed these spots both on the ends of the leaves and on the body of some of the leaves and one turned yellow and soft. I don't know if I've watered too much, too little, or it has a fungus or other infection?? There were some nice green roots when I reported it as well as some dead ones, which I cut off. The origins of some of the roots have been visible between the ball as the bark has moved. Please help!