I had two mini phals, Younghome Little Spirit, a dainty white with purple lip. I had repotted it in S/H and it has been doing well for a month or so, retaining blooms, and I gave it to her for her kitchen window on the east, sheer shade. Think I have a new convert/addict????

I didn't make a new orchid convert. We had not talked about how Little Spirit was doing. When I talked to her today and asked if it had dropped "flowers" yet? She said yes I thought I had killed it.
I told her that it will be a year before new stem and blooms and I would take it back and give her another orchid if she wanted one. She said NO No no....I have a brown thumb.
I was quite relieved, because this mini was one of my favorites. I have searched the web and all the orchid stores, and the only one for sale is Thailand. I had two but gave the second one to another friend. \
I am happy to wait a year or so to have Little spirit bloom again.
Does anyone else have this orchid? It was
created about 10 years ago.