neophyte |
04-17-2020 05:47 PM |
Hi tedro, your phal is doing just fine. Lows around 65° won't harm your plant, but it's generally best for the phal be a bit warmer. Regarding your concern about the shininess of the leaves, new leaves tend to be a bit shinier/waxy-looking, and as they mature, they will become the "matte" color you were referring to. The pigmentation at the tips of the leaves are absolutely normal and simply a response to light – don't worry about that. You also most likely don't need to worry about the yellowing leaf. Phals slowly drop leaves as they age – unless you notice several leaves yellowing and dropping in rapid succession, it's likely not an issue. Just wait for it to drop naturally.
From the close-ups, it does seem like the plant could use a bit more water, though. The bottom leaf's senescing may have been a response to lower levels of water, but it was old anyways; don't worry. Seeing as you have a bark mix, which drains well, it will be fine (and probably beneficial) to water a bit more frequently. Overall, though, it's thriving. :)