Originally Posted by aliceinwl
Are you posting on orchid board from your phone? If you are, you can scroll down when you’re making a post and select manage attachments and then choose file and navigate to where your phone stores pictures and upload from there.
Alternatively, you can get a free account at sites like Flickr, upload your pictures, and copy the urls or code into your posts.
TY alice, I just have to figure out if I can get the photos from my Canon Digital, which is a very nice camera and takes great shots, to my lap top. I think I need one cord that goes from the UBS to the camera, or else try to figure out a memory stick.
I will probably see my IT friend, who for the past year has helped me with all things digital. We live 40 miles apart and not spending time, full time, together this year.
I am tired today and will start my research in the morning. I did keep changing batteries 3 of them I used and recharged last year, are not holding the charge. I am looking To get another couple of new batteries from Amazon this week and perhaps a 2nd charge as backup..as I have said, \
I become obcessed with my work or hobbies and jump in with both feet. But I got some great photos of my new mini, 3 bulbs healhy, NOID, nursery thought a Den, but the way it is growing from my research this morn, I think it is a Onc, mini Twinkle ?? Have not ID'd it yet, is yellow with wine, but will keep researching Oncidiums and hope some one here is familiar with them an their care. It is in a tiny pot with what looks like Coconut husk, or what ever they use from the Coconut. I have not looked at the roots. Don't know if they will grow in Semi Hydro. Just watered it, with a flush, keeping in under bathroom lights and skylight for now until I can ID and learn about care. Bulbs look like some I have seen in past post photos recently. going to look back to find those in search.
Are you in SJ valley. My daughter is in Berkeley Hills, very busy, but I did over the phone help her repot her 2 month old very water soaked but with all healthy roots, so I think she will doi fine with her Phal which has lots of roots.
I am laughing because she told me there is a place in East Bay that keeps orchids for the time they are not blooming. After they shoot a stem, the real owner goes to get them for the blooming. Heck the beauty of the non blooming plant and the patience to raise it for a yr or two before it blooms again is half the fun.
She was IT for 20 +yrs, tech writer, and now going for a masters in some type of language. Has taken 5 classes in Japanese, was in Japan during a Typhon last year at a lang. conference, and is a new bride of 6 yrs. Busy Gal but I think she will figure out how to take care of one Phal.
to her. heehee
---------- Post added at 05:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:28 PM ----------
Originally Posted by Ray
There are several types of scale insects, ranging from those with hard shells to other soft scales the the soft SOB, Boisduval scale.
Alcohol and soapy sprays are of little use, especially if the critters have established a decent population. Scales are protected by their shells and mealies populate roots in addition to the foliage. Such sprays only affect what they come into direct contact with, so hatching and maturing juveniles are free to roam and repopulate.
Ray can a mini oncidium live in semi hydro?
---------- Post added at 05:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:35 PM ----------
Originally Posted by DeaC
early...no help with cameras or phones but other than responses from OB members and online searches, have you considered joining an orchid soc. in your area? I think you'd fit in very well.
I checked last month but missed the first Sun in Feb. Thanks for you confidence in me.
They meet at the Botanical Gardens in Albuquerque every month. I am going in March. ABQ is only 20+ miles from me, and the gardens is near Old Town. I am looking forward to joining them and seeing all the orchids there. I fact I will probably drive up there this week and check it out. I have been to the San Francisco Biotanica, Birmingham, St Louis, when I was a little girl in MO. Saw my flower loving grandma nick a future cutting for herself from a rose. Even at that small age, I was shocked she did it, but she taught me a lot about flowers.
one saved by a dirt poor Mo farm wife is a penny gained I guess.