I have a 20 yo phal I almost killed from bad repotting advice from a source that should have known better, thank heaven my hospital care saved it (although it will take YEARS to go back to its constant blooming state): new leaf, yay. Almost losing it prompted new purchases, both young (in bloom) and both repotted immediately one size up in well ventilated clear plastic pots with sphag + a little bark. Yesterday I wanted to purchase a mature orchid, could not find one that wasn't "double" and in heavy clay pot with no ventilation and did not want to see the disaster if unpotted so I purchased a small beautiful little Phal with visible healthy roots and a new leaf starting (it's still in bloom, small purple flowers) plus an air root and new root from base. It's in a tiny grower's plastic pot (and of course "decorative" ceramic), it is still wet (from being overwatered in store) and I want to repot this now. Problem: the smallest ventilated clear pot I have is too big (3", it's in grower's 2" pot). If I get flower drop I don't care but I'm worried about tiny new leaf growth. Medium is probably not good, plant is starting to climb out. Should I repot this now,leave flower spike of course, doing it as gently as possible? I do not "pack" the moss, I almost lost my mature plant that way, and I think this little Phal could use some food too. Can anyone advise me? TY very much!