Probable rot on Angraecum
Hello all,
It has been a bit because I haven’t had many problems. Unfortunately today, I seem to have what looks like an orchid emergency.
I got this Angraecum eburneum about a month ago. When I received it, one of the leaves was drying out at the base. In spite of this the orchid bloomed off of two healthy spikes and for that time I kept it in my house (instead of the GH).
By chance, after the blooming was done and the spike started to turn brown, I accidentally knocked off the leaf with the dried base and found a fair about of dark patches at the base of the plant.
This is very much worrying me as it reminds me of crown rot. Is this normal? Are these just older leaves that are going to fall away, or do I have a serious infection on my hands. I am thinking it is the latter as these spots, while not mushy, do not smell very good.
What should I do? Cinnamon? Hydrogen peroxide? Physan? Should I remove the bad tissue? Should I leave it alone? Is it serious enough to perform a surgery? Could a rotting spike have caused this? I never let water get in between the leaves.