Thanks for the replies.
Southpark: I do believe that the aeration of the pot is adequate. There´s drilled holes up the sides in the plastic pot, and some of the bark is substituted with large pieces from a broken terracotta pot and some washed charcoal bits. The air movement might be insufficient. There´s only a small draft - although be it cold draft - coming from the quite high windows I have in my bedroom. The temperature does not stray below 16 *C in the windowsill and in periods of cold weather I am careful when watering to not overwater. I have thought about installing a computer fan soldered to a variable power supply as to move air around gently.
I will hereby abbrevieate the genus name as Rl.!

(Duly noted).
Leafmite: I have recently moved and the water at my new residency is quite hard. I don´t know if that will suffice, but I am constantly battling calcium salt residues in the bathroom w. acetic acid!
ArronOB: During the previous summer I kept this plant outside in a quite bright location. Previous to that I stripped the protective husk from recently developed pseudobulbs and during that time is when I got those aborted new growth. So you might just be right about your suspicion!
Thanks yet again. I will probably let it be as it is. If I change my mind I will probably split the plant in two and mount one part of it on a plank of teak/basket or on a cork slab.