Hello. I'm a new vanilla orchid owner. I received a foot long slip for Christmas and potted it in orchid bark mix. It had no roots but does have the root-like things shooting out around the leaves. It's in a warm house and I took it in the bathroom with me each morning to give it tons of humidity as I showered. I also sprayed the leaves at least daily. It started lose the bottom leaves. I got scared and looked at some u-tube videos of how to pot vanilla.
I started again. Cut off the dead bottom vine, sprinkled it with cinnamon, and potted in a mixture of orchid bark and moss. I gave it a stake that's covered in moss to help retain moisture. I watered it thoroughly and have watered it weekly. It feels pretty dry when I water it. I spray the root-like things by the leaves as they are dry and they started looking better. But, the vine is continuing it's death march. The vine itself looks black and shriveled from the bottom up. The bottom leaves turn yellow, then brown spotted, then black and shriveled. This is progressing up the vine. There are only a few good leaves and small bit of green vine left. Any ideas on how to revive this?