I use the form from Gwen

and it is fantastic. I tweked it a bit to add the info I wanted to record such as.....on her form, I list blooming dates. When it re-blooms, I do not make a separate column for that, I just print it in the same box. You can expand the depth of the box so there is room for more dates.
It may be possible that Gwen had modified hers since I got it from her.
I have quite a large collection so I make a separte sheet for the different types such as,
Misc - any other of which I only have 2 or 3 plants.
It is so easy to switch from one sheet to another.
I also record a thumbnail of the blooms.
Try it, you will wonder how you ever lived without it.
If you get a copy from Gwen, I will send a message with the headings which I use, just as an example, but I use most of the headings from Gwen.
I also have OrchidWiz. Alex put in a program on which you can record more details, but I have a lot of not listed crosses and some NOIDs. So far, I haven't figured out how to record these. Hopefully the new version will have added a few more options.
I hope Gwen doesn't hate me for this.

She may get a lot of requests for her form.