Can I use light from fish tank to grow orchids ?
I'm a 100% total newbie at this, so bear with me. I have a saltwater reef fishtank that I have been cultivating coral in for a year now. I really enjoy it. The tank has a very high power light fixture on it. I reasoned that I may be able to grow unusual plants (I live in northern nevada, so almost anything that blooms is "unusual" for this area) due to the light given off by the tank.
Of course, direct light from the tank is incredibly intense. But the light that is reflected out of the side of the tank may be the right amount. That's what I want to find out. I bought my first orchid 2 days ago, ( I only remember the first name, Dendrobium, I have to look at the tag again to see the last part), I got a book, and all I know so far is they need humidity, air movement, and a temperature drop each night. I have a lot to learn.
My question is this: does anyone know how the orchid may respond to *very* blue light ? I am running an actinic (blue-er than blue) light for 10 hrs/day, and I'm running a 20K (also VERY blue) high power halide light for 5 hours/day (concurrently while the other light is on, so only 10 hrs/day of light). I stress that the light is only intense on the water below, the plant is only exposed to what comes out the sides, which seems similar to what it would get in a window with indirect sunlight.
What are the first signs to look for that the plant is getting too much or not enough light ? Because if I know what to look for, I'll cancel my experiment and just give it regular indirect window light. I suppose that the plant's leaves are green because it wants the green spectrum of light, but I'm very curious to see what happens. Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!