Pictures of Vanda that is not growing
I thought they needed a lot of water as well, so originally I really soaked them and or watered them twice a day. Once I saw the brown spot and a leaf died in that area (pictured), I was afraid I had given them too much water. The brown spot is about the size of a dime after looking at it closely. As you can see, the orchids live in my bathroom, so they get quite a bit of humidity from showers. In the winter, it can be colder in there, but never below 65 and usually about 70. In the summer, it is warmer. They get a lot of sun in the morning. The other vanda is doing great. The only difference between them is that the other vanda is in a basket. When I first got it, the roots were so scrawny, I could fit them through a slatted basket. The vanda pictured has stiffer roots and when I tried to get it in a basket, it appeared that I would damage it quite a bit. I can increase the water again while avoiding the brown spot. I will try to find the Kelpmax--thank you!!
Last edited by NCOrchids; 01-01-2020 at 03:18 PM..