This is what the glossary term says about back bulbs:
Backbulb Glossary Tools
An old Pseudobulb behind the actively growing portion of a Sympodial orchid. Although there may be no leaves, the presence of undamaged "eyes" is a sign that growth is possible.
BUT, does this look like I have 2 backbulbs? Im trying to learn about my cymbidium here and all the terms.
Yeah it does look like two "back" bulbs.
I could be wrong but with my cyms they go through three year cycle.
Season 1. New growth will grow leaves but will only have a smallish bulb.
Season 2. Bulbs thicken up and spike
Season 3. Leaves yellow and drop off and become back bulb.
Your plant seems like a newish division. Divided last year, two back bulbs and one new growth. This is the minimum size division not to delay flowing for a season.
I would leave it alone and not divided them into single bulbs as that could be four years before you see those flower again.
PS next season the chances are you will have multiple new growth.
PS2 I am also learning all about new varieties of orchids but have had cyms outside for a while.
The general rule-of-thumb is that the minimum size of a division should be two older pseudobulbs and a new growth. However, the larger the "colony" of connected growths, the stronger the plant will be, as they all share resources.