I have a Dendrobium Nobile (Irene Smile) that for the second year running is producing flower buds from the base of the canes before new canes. Last year there were also very few sporadic flowers from the canes and eventually I did get two new canes. Can anyone help me and suggest what I may be doing wrong. The plant is growing indoors by a North facing window with overhead grow light.
Nobile bloom from older canes before new canes grow in spring. I don't understand what is your problem. From your description I can't see anything wrong.
The concern is that I am getting flower buds at the base of the canes at the compost level where the new canes should come from later and then very few higher up on the canes.
Are you giving your plants a cool dry rest period? When I’ve watered through the winter, I’ve had very few flowers in general. Pictures and details about temperature, watering, photo period, and fertilizing regime would help figure out what’s going on.