Cattleya - water trapped in new growth - issue or not?
This discussion could be under any section of discussion - not just beginner discussion.
You know how Cattleya orchids develop a new growth (new lead), and it gets longer - extends.
I've never grown my catts in total outdoor conditions before, so have never encountered issues related to water getting into the new growth. Not just the new growth, but the 'long' new growths.
When the new growth gets long enough, it may (but not entirely certain of it) act like a funnel, but with the bottom of the funnel closed off - maybe.
So I'm assuming that if water is poured into the new long growth, then there might be the possibility of water filling up this funnel, and becomes stored in this funnel.
In the wild - I assume this can happen too.
Anybody know if water can get trapped in developing long new growths, and if rotting activity can occur as a result of that? Obviously - some catts in the wild grow vertically too.
Maybe there are discussions or details about this kind of topic in some articles out there - somewhere.
All of this is not yet considering water trapping in opened flower sheaths, and also between new pseudobulb protective layers. This is so far only considering if water can indeed get stored in long new growths, and if rotting can occur as a result of it.
One of these days, I could certainly try putting water down a long new growth (just to see if water stays in it). But thought I'd ask first - in case anyone has information to share already.
Last edited by SouthPark; 12-17-2019 at 06:50 PM..