Not sure what a "faciated" flower is, but this one is mutated - two columns and two lips. Other flowers that I can see in the photo look normal, so this one is probably just an aberration. As I recall there were other things a bit strange about this inflorescence. So wouldn't be surprised to see the occasional mutation.
Basically, that flower is like conjoined twins... in this case, two sets of reproductive parts but never separated into two flowers. It's not peloric, which is having lip pattern in the petals, or reverse-peloric, where the petal pattern is repeated in the lip (the "big-lip type)
Basically, that flower is like conjoined twins... in this case, two sets of reproductive parts but never separated into two flowers. It's not peloric, which is having lip pattern in the petals, or reverse-peloric, where the petal pattern is repeated in the lip (the "big-lip type)
wow!!! 3 buds remaining to open!
if you look closely (attached pic) you can see the 3, with a 4th halfway open. 1 mutation 2-in-1 flower, of 20 blossoms.