To fertilize or not to fertilize orchids ?
There was a recent discussion in another Orchid group on Facebook about fertilizers and many members making claims about how they never fertilize and have X amount of spikes. One member mentioned that at an Orchid society meeting she was told that many of the members didn't fertilize.
I came here to ask about this because I follow the 3 week fertilize and 1 week don't rule that I came across with MSU's fertilizer by repotme.
I also saw a recent post by Ray made about a Fertilizer Dispenser but I didn't' want to hijack that conversation with my own question.
I'm just wondering what people here think regarding fertilizing ? Is it beneficial or not? Do you fertilize? I always thought it was but maybe I'm wrong here.
Thank You!
Just my experience when I inherited my aunt's orchids in 2017 , I didn't really do much with them until 2019 . In 2019 these guys got a new grow light plus weekly fertilizer soaks.
Hard to tell which ( if either ) was the benefit or more of a benefit to them because for the first time in years they were developing new growth .