Hey guys these are some photos of Eulophia graminea.


reply to this thread if you have spotted any in south Florida
I live in Miami beach and have found one site where these orchids grow quite nicely. I took a couple seeing as they are classified as invasive but left lots of larger clumps so that they can reproduce and thrive.
Getting rid of these orchids in south florida is already out of the question seeing as now they have a strong hold with thousands of locations in florida and a couple even in texas.
They are quite spectacular and healthy orchids with very nice flowers
I would love if somebody could tell me weather they self pollinate because in the wild i noticed quite a few seed pods, which suggests that they self pollinate or they have found a pollinator in south Florida.
Another amazing thing i have found is that their seeds seem to germinate in soil - mulch because i noticed a tiny clump located 10 meters away from the main clump.
I have tried falsking the seed
and i have tried germinating the seeds in soil
from the site of the orchids seeing as their must be the benificial fungus or they would not have gotten there in the first plase
Pleas reply to this thread
if you enjoed reading and are intreasted in learning more about this naturalized orchid
The ironic thing is that this is the only wild orchid i have ever spotted in south florida