I was searching for a thread like this and could not find one. please link if there is and i'll jump into that thread
I love all aspects of Orchids but my favorites re not the flowers but the roots and NEW GROWTH!
because of how incredibly highly evolved orchids are they have almost magical growth habits and i love to watch it happen.
rather than make a new species specific thread for each plant, i figured this is a fun place to show off new leads and new growth.
goblin orchid with three new nodes:
Plants, yo by
J Solo, on Flickr
actually, four!
Plants, yo by
J Solo, on Flickr
dendro agregatum (april showers)
Plants, yo by
J Solo, on Flickr
alrca. hilo star
Plants, yo by
J Solo, on Flickr
my bulbo medusea
Plants, yo by
J Solo, on Flickr