Two possibilities include - roots suffocating in the media due to not enough water and air movement in the media. Or too much fertiliser or salts in the media. This is assuming light levels are good for the plant (no sunburn), and air-circulation is good around the leaves.
Last edited by SouthPark; 11-13-2019 at 09:16 PM..
Ahhhhhh I just repotted it! Hope that solves the problem. I only use rain water or distilled water to fog, mist, and water, I have two fans running 24/7, I moved it a little farther from the window, thinking it might be sun, This window is west facing and sun does come in for an hour or so in the afternoon. Thanks for your response
Stelis do mostly like to be a bit on the shady side. They like to stay damp (but not soggy), and like nearly all Pleurothallids, like good water, and very dilute fertilizer. Those brown leaf tips do look a lot like the result of salts in the medium (fixed with new sphagnum) or too much light or both. But I think you are moving in the right direction with the repot. Clay was also a good choice, since most of them like the cooling that gives the roots.