New Orchids Temperature & Potting ?s
I just got some new plants and I’m curious if anyone has input into temperature tolerance or lack there of and what minimum and maximum lighting tolerance would be. I’m also interested in substrate recommendations.
Enc. cochleata x Epi. MiVa Etoil: this is a plant I really wanted (purple octopi). Currently in coarse bark. I’m inclined to leave it as is or maybe repot into my Cattleya mix (it had a fair amount of substrate shake loose during shipping so I don’t think a repot would be at all traumatic). Does anyone know if temp and lighting requirements would tend to mirror Enc. cochleata?
Lc. Morning Glory (L. purpurata var carnea ‘Jumbo’ x B. nodosa ‘Susan Fuchs’: This one is in moss, but the roots look great. I’m think it would do better in a Cattleya type mix long term? Can it take some sun like L. pururata? Can it take low temperatures like L. pururata?
Neost. Lou Sneary ‘Blue Moon’ (Neof. falcata x Rhy. coelestis var coerulea): This one is in something that looks like decomposing pine needles. The roots look good, but I’m thinking it’s going to need to be repotted sooner rather than later. Any media recommendations? How cold can this one go? How does it compare to a Vanda in terms of light requirements? What kind of pots do these do best in?
Enc. radiata: Potted in moss, but is busting out of its pot with lots of new root growth. Any recommendations as to media and pot type? It’s looking like this one is not going to want to get below 50F? How much light does it need at a minimum? This one is a lot bigger than I was expecting it to be so I’m no longer sure where I should put it.
Unless recommendations are to the contrary, I’m thing of moving all but the Neo. to clay pots with a coarse Cattleya mix. I’ll wait for root growth on the Morning Glory to repot unless it starts to decline in moss.
The Neo. was a bit of an impulse buy. I have Renanthera doing well in coarse bark and a Vanda in granite stones and three barefoot Vandas and a bazillion Phalaenopsis. Are the needs of any of these similar to Neo.s?