Assuming these are roots, what should I do with them?
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Assuming these are roots, what should I do with them?
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Old 10-19-2019, 09:22 PM
twinkie twinkie is offline

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Assuming these are roots, what should I do with them?
Default Assuming these are roots, what should I do with them?

Well this seems to be the Winter of orchid discontent as almost all of my Phals are putting multiple roots out over the tops of their pots, as well as climbing out of holes in the ceramic ones.
Now I've got this scenario (pic enclosed) where I've got a bloom spike mitten growing with what appear to be TWO new roots (??) alongside it. What in tarnation?? There is a small "cowl" like a mini leaf, but there's a newer leaf above that with the plant growing sideways more to the left. Is it trying to shoot out roots there?
I have not had luck "taming roots" to get back in the pot, even with careful tucking when saturated wet. The bark is not packed tightly, is coarse, but packed well enough to provide stability. Most pots are 6"ers, and all but one of 8 phals are shooting roots out. It's making it hard to soak them in my water tubs without hurting these outside roots.
I guess I have three questions really. Why do Phals, who were once content to stay in their pots, start making eyes towards their neighbor's pot, the wooden stand they're supported on, or just simply wiggling up towards the sky coming out above a mature leaf?? And how can I safely handle these without hurting the plant when I water? It's getting hard to deal with.
And why would a phal with an obvious bloom spike starting be sending out two new roots right next to it? Are those NOT roots? I've never ever had this happen before.
I've tried to train that particular plant to grow "up" but it wants to grow sideways, was thinking maybe the roots (if they are) are thinking it needs more support since it's leaning left? There are two leaves under those baby roots, should I try and open the bark up once they're longer and try to get them to go in? I just don't understand why after moving many of them to these larger 6" pots just this year they're now signalling to me they want bigger spaces yet?
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Old 10-19-2019, 11:52 PM
aliceinwl aliceinwl is offline
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Assuming these are roots, what should I do with them? Female

Yes, they are roots. My Phals are constantly pushing out air roots too. There’s really no taming them. If you grow Phals, “Medusas” are inevitable. As long as there are healthy roots in the pot too, this is just a happy plant. There in no need to repot, unless the pot is too packed with roots to fit more: just let them be air roots.

Phals also naturally want to grow sideways. This is how they grow in the wild and it’s one reason wild Phals don’t have issues with crown rot. Continuously turning them relative to the light source can help keep a more upright growth. I’ve given up trying to rotate mine, and most have developed a sideways growth habit to varying degrees.

Last edited by aliceinwl; 10-19-2019 at 11:54 PM..
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Old 10-20-2019, 12:46 AM
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Assuming these are roots, what should I do with them? Female

Originally Posted by twinkie View Post
Well this seems to be the Winter of orchid discontent as almost all of my Phals are putting multiple roots out over the tops of their pots, as well as climbing out of holes in the ceramic ones.
Far from "discontent" it sounds like your Phals are really happy, churning out roots all over the place. That's what a satisfied plant, does, GROW. Alicinwl is absolute correct... the orchid is trying to be natural... in spite of all your efforts to tame it, it's thriving. Aerial roots are natural for a Phalaenopsis... we put them in pots to supply moisture that our non-tropical dry air can't provide, but once the basic needs are taken care of, why not send roots where nature intended for them to be? And you're getting a flower spike too. So it sounds to me like your Phals are doing great. Orchid growing is not about control, it's about nurturing, and sounds like your plants are thanking you.
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Old 10-20-2019, 03:30 AM
twinkie twinkie is offline

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Assuming these are roots, what should I do with them?

Awwwwww thank you AliceinWL and Roberta. I was starting to feel like I was somehow creating little monsters who were not happy with their pots. I guess I'll just let them wander up into the air, one is trying to make the plant stand part of it's habitat.
I guess I felt inadequate thinking they are searching for something am not giving them lol.
Should I just leave them be even if they get bunged up while watering? I've almost severed one long root coming out a hole in a ceramic pot, am a bit worried what's going to happen once I need to repot too. They are making a veritable macrame situation, sometimes slipping out one hole and entering back in the next hole over. I'll probably have to break the pots to extricate the roots? Maybe those pretty pots weren't such a great idea...
I have one phal who is impertinently upright and so stiff. It's the only one not wanting to lean, not sure why, with 4 sets of large very stiff leaves. Is it really true you can count how old the plant is more or less by the number of sets of leaves?
Almost all the phals have "mittens" now, and even my Angraecum rothschildiana is working on a mitten of sorts. The sunnier loving orchids are not as happy. Even with supplemental lighting I just cannot seem to get them to thrive in the PNW, though I have an African gardenia blooming indoors.
Thanks for soothing my fears, everyone's just been behaving differently, and I honestly thought that "cowl" looking thing with roots coming out was somehow a deformity from too much fertilizer or a fungus or God knows what. I'll take their "Medusa" roots as a compliment now, I have been working on increasing humidity so perhaps that is at play too.
Thanks again!
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Old 10-20-2019, 08:12 AM
Mountaineer370 Mountaineer370 is offline
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Assuming these are roots, what should I do with them? Female

Well, there has been some contradictory information given out here in recent months. I can't remember exactly what the thread was or who the poster was, but it was stated that Phals putting out aerial roots were doing so because the conditions inside the pot were intolerable, or words to that effect.

Frankly, I was surprised by that opinion (and chose to ignore it). The vast majority of what I read here and elsewhere says aerial roots are quite natural to Phals and other orchids. So I'm grateful to see Roberta and aliceinwl post right away with encouraging opinions.

I have always liked the aerial roots on my Phals. I think it gives them an unique and "untamed" look that I like. I take my plants to the kitchen sink and water by drenching, not soaking, so the roots have never been in the way. But, if you're putting them into some type of cache pot to soak, I can see it being a problem for some of the larger or longer roots.

I use clear slotted plastic pots, and, unfortunately, I usually have to cut them off when I repot for the ones that are growing roots out the sides and bottom. I would hate to have to do that with a nice ceramic pot, but I guess you have to ask yourself what's more important, the pot or the health of your orchid. If you can get another person to help you with repotting, it may be possible to gently work some of those roots back through the holes, but I just don't know.
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Old 10-21-2019, 02:59 AM
twinkie twinkie is offline

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Assuming these are roots, what should I do with them?

Originally Posted by Mountaineer370 View Post
I take my plants to the kitchen sink and water by drenching, not soaking, so the roots have never been in the way. But, if you're putting them into some type of cache pot to soak, I can see it being a problem for some of the larger or longer roots.
What exactly do you mean by drenching Mountaineer? Using an aeration type hose and spraying from the top?
Yes, I have a smaller plastic tub I can sit a pot in and have the water level come up to the top lip without having to use gallons of water, so am trying to accommodate those roots inside a small space. I collect rainwater and go through gallons and gallons and inevitably knock roots, break some, squeeze them with my hand when I pick up a pot etc.
I try to use one pot to the tub at a time hence it's a small tub to use minimum water but reach high level once the pot is submerged. I suppose I could find some kind of hand pump type sprayer but prefer to let them sit for 10 minutes while I do other things.

---------- Post added at 01:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:48 AM ----------

Originally Posted by Ray View Post
Roots serve two purposes - water & nutrient uptake and mechanical stability. The generation of a lot of aerial roots can be an indication that the plant just doesn't feel stable enough yet.
That's exactly what I was worried about but looking closer yesterday am seeing coils of healthy green roots up top growing around in circles in some of these pots and am thinking I didn't pot up enough this year. Hate to think that's the case. as I can't find clay 8" with side holes around here.
They're sturdy in their pots alright. The only not shooting out aerials is one I consider "floppy" set, so now am thinking it's time to pick out bigger pots for a next year repotting. Dang! Do Phals ever turn into true monsters that you have to just keep repotting bigger bigger bigger??

---------- Post added at 01:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:54 AM ----------

Originally Posted by DirtyCoconuts View Post
Forgive the pic as I wasn’t trying to take this of the phals but it shows their roots.

My plants are outside and like to have a lot of roots. They are always rooting in and out of the pot
That's a nice setup! And beautiful roots! I really like how you've done that. Where did you get that pole? I was looking at one on Amazon that was nice, was thinking to do several poles in the south window, but I have a lot of gems and minerals specimens, clay statues and things and I like to mix in around the pots, this is tempting though with those roots dangling like that. Makes a lot more sense. Going up saves space and we know how valuable real estate is in an orchid lover's house!
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Old 10-21-2019, 08:39 AM
Mountaineer370 Mountaineer370 is offline
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Assuming these are roots, what should I do with them? Female

Originally Posted by twinkie View Post
What exactly do you mean by drenching Mountaineer? Using an aeration type hose and spraying from the top?
Yes, I have a smaller plastic tub I can sit a pot in and have the water level come up to the top lip without having to use gallons of water, so am trying to accommodate those roots inside a small space. I collect rainwater and go through gallons and gallons and inevitably knock roots, break some, squeeze them with my hand when I pick up a pot etc.
I try to use one pot to the tub at a time hence it's a small tub to use minimum water but reach high level once the pot is submerged. I suppose I could find some kind of hand pump type sprayer but prefer to let them sit for 10 minutes while I do other things.

That's exactly what I was worried about but looking closer yesterday am seeing coils of healthy green roots up top growing around in circles in some of these pots and am thinking I didn't pot up enough this year. Hate to think that's the case. as I can't find clay 8" with side holes around here.
Sorry, maybe "drenching" is the wrong word, or I should have explained a little more. My orchid collection is small, only 18 Phals, most small or compact. They stay indoors year-round, and most of them live on my large kitchen/dining room table. I have a few in my bedroom, but it's not far to bring each plant to the kitchen for watering. I will generally leave a couple watering cans filled all the time. I'm fond of those vintage Phillips 66 plastic watering cans. My tap water is good, but I like it to be room temperature and have most of the chlorine evaporated before I use it. I then take each plant to the sink and simply pour water from the can over it for half a minute or so, depending on the size of the pot, until I think the media and roots have all gotten wet. Obviously, the excess just drains through.

They're not on a strict watering schedule; I check all of my plants pretty much every day to see who needs water and just water each one as needed. Some might need water every third day or so, others every four or five days. I use mostly chunky bark, so they do dry out quickly. I'm retired and around the house most days, so I have the time to fuss with them. I can appreciate that some people do not.

As far as clay pots, here's a link that I just found yesterday. I had been to my orchid society meeting, and one of our members gave the monthly talk and mentioned this vendor. In looking over their site, I see they have lots of clay pots with holes (as well as lots of other kinds of pots). I've never ordered a clay pot by mail; I seem to have heard it's a bit risky due to possible breakage, though, so I guess I would inquire about their refund policy before doing that.

Orchid Pots for Sale | Green Barn Orchid Supplies

Last edited by Mountaineer370; 10-21-2019 at 08:43 AM..
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Old 10-21-2019, 08:14 PM
twinkie twinkie is offline

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Assuming these are roots, what should I do with them?

Oooooo! That is a GREAT site! Thank you Mountaineer! They're out of the pot I want natch, but I'll keep my eyes open for when it gets back in. Very reasonable prices.
I might try the drenching but since I water pretty much every 7 days I'm worried about not giving them a good soaking. I tend to let them sit for 10 minutes, then take out and apply liquid fert from up top and let them drain. I don't water on rainy days which makes it hard where I live, but I was having trouble with "water warts" until I figured that out.

As long as I keep my rain buckets full and pour those into my gallon jugs, I could drench just fine. I keep about 6 gallons in the house at room temp and rotate outside jugs in to warm up, have a stash under my front stairs.
I would also like to ask everyone here when they stop using bloom fert on their phals. Once the spike is up a certain height, or just keep doing weakly weekly until blooms open and then stop? Still learning. Once they're blooming though, they seem to go on forever far into Spring. It makes winter so much more bearable with the bright colors and happy faces in my living room. Orchids have certainly enhanced my life with their beauty.
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Old 10-20-2019, 08:17 AM
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Assuming these are roots, what should I do with them? Male

Roots serve two purposes - water & nutrient uptake and mechanical stability. The generation of a lot of aerial roots can be an indication that the plant just doesn't feel stable enough yet.
Ray Barkalow, Orchid Iconoclast
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Old 10-20-2019, 08:43 AM
Dollythehun Dollythehun is offline
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Assuming these are roots, what should I do with them? Female

Every one of my numerous phals has a pot full of healthy roots, and a tangle of air roots. They've been growing and blooming that way for many, many, years. You'll break some when you repot but, they'll grow more.
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