That leaf is dying, will probably drop within the next few days. The newest leaf, across from it, looks good. But one under it I can't may also be on its way out. It looks like you have some good new root growth. If the roots are good, the plant will produce a new leaf and continue to grow. The mix looks coarse, which is good because it can dry out quickly. However, the fact that those new roots are growing into the air makes me suspect that what is under the surface of the medium is not so good. I suggest that you unpot it and take a look at the roots that are in the pot, and the condition of the medium. My guess is that there are dead, mushy roods and broken down medium. Since there ARE some good new roots, if you find bad ones in the pot you can trim them, but you don't have to. Repot, into fresh bark (same pot is fine). You can gently coax the new roots into the new bark (but don't force them, they break easily) Especially keep hands away from the tips of the new roots, which have tiny hairs that are very easily damage. Soaking those new roots before repotting can make them more flexible. but they still tend to be brittle. But with new medium, the plant is very likely to revive nicely.
Note, with new bark the plant will dry out faster, so you will have to increase watering frequency.
Last edited by Roberta; 10-06-2019 at 07:05 PM..