I almost lost this phal because root rot I think I packed the roots too much in the bark suffocating them. To make the long story short. I put it in water for like 3 weeks changing the water every 3 day or so and she grew new roots. Now it's on bark but I'm scared to losing it again. I change the bark for one that is more coarse.
My climate is tropical/humid 58RH-80RH
Thanks and sorry about my English not my main language.
I think someone posted on here that with Phals when in doubt wait a day and then water ;-) If it were mine, I think I’d give it another day and water tomorrow. For Phals recovering from or prone to root rot, I’ve found water by flushing (letting the water run through the pot) opposed to soaking works best. You do have to water more often though.
Root loss isn't due to water, it's due to suffocation. In as coarse of a potting mix as that it, I doubt there'd be enough trapped water to block any air flow.
Root loss isn't due to water, it's due to suffocation. In as coarse of a potting mix as that it, I doubt there'd be enough trapped water to block any air flow.
Water it!
It is normal that the roots are pointing towards out the pot? (the new one)
I run the water through the pot instead of soaking it.