I currently use a spreadsheet ---- MS Excel spreadsheet. I decided to just make one up for storing my orchid names. It could easily be amended to include number of each type grown, etc.
I have an example seen at :
In general, I go down to the bottom of the spreadsheet to select the genus name to bring up the correct spreadsheet page for that genus. And then I fill in the details in the empty row. Eg. put in C. for Cattleya, then put in the grex name or species name, and the script in other columns will fill in the rest.
In my existing spreadsheet ----- if automatic filling is not done, then that's no problem. The script codes contained in some cells (in some columns) can be copied to cells further below, so it's just a case of copying cells (containing script codes) to other cells whenever needed. An 'add-more-as-we-go' method only.
For cases where somebody might want to account for multiple plants of the same kind ...eg. various pots of the same sort, then it's possible to use a short computer program script that can help generate a unique identification number that can then be manually added to the details for any particular orchid row.
An example of the unique ID generator is included in the extra excel spreadsheet. The method is based on using your own computer's date/time (day, hours, mins, seconds information) to generate a unique ID. So once you click the button, then that ID can be manually assigned to whatever orchid you want to assign it to.
Another option for record keeping is - as mentioned by others - a software database - which uses particular information data structures to automatically keep track of the entries - with automatic ID identifiers and other goodies. That's another option.
Also.... with any software... or data files... making backups is always a good practice.